Patient Screening and Safety

  • Each office will have a nursing staff person at the entry to assist with screening and direction.
  • Patients should present for their appointment either alone or with only one companion, if required for assistance. If possible, drivers should remain outside or in their vehicle.
  • All patients and companions are REQUIRED to wear a mask.
  • Any individual arriving at our facility will have readily accessible supplies available to them such as tissues, hand soap, waste receptacles, and alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • All staff, physicians, patients, and caregivers will have their temperature taken on entry to the clinic. Staff and physicians will be REQUIRED to self-administer a temperature check at home prior to coming to work. If a staff member obtains a temperature of 99.5 or greater, they must call their manager.
  • Individuals presenting with a temperature of 99.5 or greater will be asked schedule a telemedicine visit. All COVID-19 symptoms will be telemedicine. Any and all other office visit, consult and or non-related sick visit and or re-check should be advised to make an in office appointment.
  • Signs, providing instruction on hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and cough etiquette as advised by the CDC, will continue to be posted at entrances and in strategic places.
  • Clinic schedules will be controlled to allow for 6-foot physical spacing in the waiting and testing areas.
  • All patients shall be questioned about pertinent symptoms per CDC guidelines on entry to the clinic as follows:
    • All questionnaires are posted at the front desk (English, Spanish, Portuguese)


REV. 8.11.2022
CDC updates COVID guidance for schools, quarantine and isolation guidance for public

Schools are no longer recommended to use cohorts, quarantines and screening testing in most situations, under updated COVID-19 guidance the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released Thursday.

The CDC also has relaxed its COVID-19 guidance for members of the public who are exposed or infected in an effort to minimize the disruption to their lives.

“We’re in a stronger place today as a nation, with more tools — like vaccination, boosters, and treatments — to protect ourselves, and our communities, from severe illness from COVID-19,” CDC epidemiologist Greta Massetti, Ph.D., M.P.H., author of the community guidance, said in a press release. “We also have a better understanding of how to protect people from being exposed to the virus, like wearing high-quality masks, testing, and improved ventilation. This guidance acknowledges that the pandemic is not over, but also helps us move to a point where COVID-19 no longer severely disrupts our daily lives.”

Masking continues to be recommended for everyone in schools in areas with a high COVID community level. However, the CDC removed recommendations to keep students in the same groups or cohorts
throughout the day. Routine screening testing no longer is needed but may be considered such as during high-risk activities in a high COVID community level or when there is an outbreak.

Students and staff exposed to COVID no longer need to quarantine unless they are in high-risk congregate settings and should wear a mask for 10 days and get tested at least five days after exposure.
The Food and Drug Administration is advising people with and without symptoms to test multiple times if they get a negative result on an at-home COVID-19 antigen test due to the possibility of false-negative

The school guidance also calls on educators to make reasonable modifications to ensure children with disabilities and special health care needs can access in-person education. These may include masking in
classrooms or during activities and other prevention strategies to provide a safe environment. These students should not be placed into separate classrooms or segregated from other students.

A new Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report summarizes the guidance for the public, with the most significant changes around quarantine and isolation.

People who are exposed to COVID no longer need to quarantine regardless of vaccination status. They should wear a mask for 10 days when in indoor public places and get tested at least five days after exposure. If they are symptomatic, they should get tested sooner.

People with COVID symptoms or infection should isolate from others even if they are waiting for test results, according to the CDC. Those who are infected should stay in isolation for at least five days. They can end isolation on day six if they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without medication and their symptoms are improving. They should continue to wear a mask around other people at home and in public through day 10 or until they have two consecutive negative antigen tests taken at least 48 hours apart.

Regardless of when isolation ends, the CDC recommends avoiding people who are at high risk of severe illness until at least day 11. If symptoms worsen after ending isolation, restart the isolation at day 0.

People with moderate illness (including shortness of breath or difficulty breathing), severe illness (hospitalization) or a weakened immune system should isolate through day 10. Those with severe illness or weakened immune system should consult their doctor before ending isolation.

The CDC no longer recommends screening asymptomatic people without known exposures unless they are in a high-risk setting.

The CDC and AAP continue to recommend everyone 6 months and older get vaccinated and stay up to date. Everyone should wear a mask in areas with a high community level. People at high risk for severe
disease should wear a mask that provides more protection at both medium and high community levels. The updated guidance comes as the daily average of new deaths has dropped to 395, and new daily
hospital admissions are just over 6,000, according to the CDC.

CDC guidance for schools during the COVID pandemic
CDC guidance for minimizing the impact of COVID
Information from the AAP on COVID
Information for parents from HealthyChildren.org on COVID


REV. 8.11.2022
CDC updates COVID guidance for schools, quarantine and isolation guidance for public

1. Students no longer need to test to stay in school
2. If exposed and asymptomatic, there is no need to quarantine. Students exposed should wear a mask for 10 days, test if/when symptomatic, or on day 5.
3. Schools no longer need to cohort students
4. Students with positive results still need to isolate x5 days. Mask day 6-10 if asymptomatic/ nearly asymptomatic.


REV. 10.7.2021
Scheduling, Telemedicine & Swabbing Instruction

Thank you for visiting the Center for Pediatric Medicine. Due to the increased demand and high volume of Covid testing we want to make you aware that there may be a 1–2-day delay for a Covid-19 swabbing availability.

If you are deemed to have a telemedicine appointment, please note that you will need to have a COVID-19 swab on the following day. (This is being put in place due to billing related issues with your insurance carrier and availability).

The following Covid-19 testing are available at CPM

  • Molecular rapid test (NOT PCR) (15 min test)
  • PCR test (1-2 days)

Swabbing, Telemedicine & Scheduling Instructions

  • School and or patient (or parent) in general requesting a swab due to symptomatic related issues or signs of COVID-19.
    • In-office appointment (Based on availability). If no more slots we will offer a telemedicine appointment and or next available appointment.
    • After the appointment the provider will order the swab at the earliest available appointment, possibly the next day.
    • Swabs appointments can be delayed 1-2 days due to high demand. If they need a note for school, they should request it at their appointment.
    • Only In-office appointments are we allowed to swab in the same day if available. All telemedicine appointments must be swabbed on the next day. For patients requesting a telemedicine and a nurse “swabbing” appointment on the same day, please refer to section 6.
  • School and or parent (or patient) in general requesting swab due to non-symptomatic (Healthy Patient) to return to school permissions.
    • Swab Appointment only (This appointment will only provide results of the swab).
    • If you need a return to school note you will need to book an office visit (OV) and or telemedicine appt.
      1. If requiring a note, we suggest booking the follow up appointment at the same time.
  • School and or parent (or patient) requesting swab due to traveling outside of the country
    • non-symptomatic & symptomatic related
      1. Vaccinated
        • Swab on day 3 (if negative there is no need to quarantine).
        • If positive- please schedule telemedicine with a provider.
      2. Non-vaccinated
        • Swab on day 3-5
        • Quarantine for the remainder of the 7 days.
        • If positive schedule a telemedicine with a provider.
  • With known Exposure to Covid-19 (School, Day care & or in general):
    • Symptomatic exposure- Telemedicine 1st (In this telemedicine appointment the following will be accomplished: note for school, quarantine instructions and medical advice) à Next the patient will be asked to come back for a swab next available appointment. Please refer to section 6.
    • Non- symptomatic exposure- Swab Only (Nurse Appointment) (Day 4-6).
      • No telemedicine needed- the patient may be scheduled for a PCR nurse appointment.
      • If the patient is experiencing symptoms and or illness before and or after the swab visit, they need to call the office back to schedule a telemedicine appointment.
    • Symptomatic & or non-symptomatic exposure requiring a note for school and any other clinical questions (medication and or other required testing’s).
      • In office & or Telemedicine (Non Symptomatic) à Swab
      • Telemedicine (Symptomatic): à Swab - PLEASE REFER TO SECTION 6!
  • Regular appointments: sick visits, consults and PE:
    • In Office appointment (First- based on availability)
    • Telemedicine (If parent requests this) - Please note that a PE can not be done with a telemedicine visit.
  • The only exception to swabbing on the same day is if the appointment is in-office. All telemedicine appointments can’t be swabbed the same day. They must be scheduled the next day (due to billing related issues with the insurance carriers and office appointment availability). The insurance MAY not cover the test and the telemedicine (Since it is two appointments in one day), and it will be the financial responsibility of the patient. (MEDICAID SAME DAY TELE AND SWAB IS FINE).

COVID-19 4/28/2021 UPDATE

New Front desk scheduling

1.            Have you traveled outside the country (Internationally) in the last 10 days.


a.            Physical Appointment and or has a Physical Appointment: Re-schedule (10 Days out).

b.            All appointment requests and or consults: Telemedicine

c.             Over the age of 2 years old:  Telemedicine

d.            Any sick child under the age of 2: In-office appointment.


e.            All in office appointments (Consults / Physicals): In- Office Appointment.

f.             Any sick child under the age of 2: In- Office Appointment.

g.            Patient is sick and or not feeling well- Forward to triage.

Triage will decide if this will be telemedicine or in-office.

h.            Patient is requesting COVID swab because the patient is sick: Telemedicine

                  Unless the patient is under 2.

i.              Swabs: Administrative, travel and or documentation- non-symptomatic / completely healthy- In- Office Appointment- NURSE VISIT FOR SWAB.

j.             Any type of appointment the front is unsure about- Forward to triage.

k.            Any patient and or family member exposure- Telemedicine.

Family Limits in the Office | Waiting Room Policy

COVID-19 4/28/2021 UPDATE

Danbury and New Fairfield waiting rooms are closed until further notice. All patients will need to notify the Front Desk when they arrive via text. Up to 3 individuals will be allowed in the room- as long as they are non-symptomatic.

No Touch Greetings

Employees should use “No Touch” greetings.  A masked smile followed by a simple “Hello,” your name and regular explanations will suffice.  Do not hug patients.

Physical Distancing in the Office

  • Receptionist’s areas with direct patient contact will have acrylic protective screens.
  • Floor markers will be placed throughout clinics to provide for appropriate spacing.  Remind patients to maintain their distance and keep their masks on if they are not complying.
  • Entry/exit doors and internal doors within clinics will be closed; at all times, doors will be cleaned within appropriate time intervals to ensure minimal patient/staff potential contamination.
  • Counters and signature stylus will be frequently wiped down.

Designated Exam Rooms for Sick Patients

  • All locations have designated rooms for patients who answer affirmatively to screening questions. All staff should be aware of the lane to be used. Minimize staff contact with the patient.
    • Danbury Office: Rooms 5 & 6
    • New Fairfield: Room A
  • Any time an office is used to care for a patient believed to be potentially ill with the virus or who report having come into contact with an individual infected by the virus, providers and technicians should wear the appropriate PPE and it should be thoroughly sanitized per CDC protocols.

Handwashing and Sanitizing – The Best Way to Not Get Sick

  • When caring for patients, visible hand sanitizing and surface cleaning is required and will bring them peace of mind.
  • Proper handwashing technique signs are place throughout the clinic. Adhere to these rules.
  • Patients will be asked to use hand sanitizer when entering the exam lane and when exiting.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Putting a tissue on a table contaminates the surface of the table with germs.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

  • All staff members must wear a mask. Minimize mask removal and avoid touching your face.  Some masks may become contaminated and loose. These need to be replaced.
  • Best practices for examining patients include the use of a mask, gloves and eye protection when necessary.
  • Staff wearing gloves during clinic operations should sanitize between patient encounters by washing or using hand sanitizer.
  • Gloves shall be replaced if damaged or removed.

Exam Room Cleaning

  • Between each patient, sanitize all surfaces that have been in contact with the patient with protex and bleach and water solution.
  • Nurses should periodically sanitize the keyboard of the office laptop.

Waiting Room Cleaning

  • All housekeeping services used by Center for Pediatric Medicine have verified their staff has been trained in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Staff should sanitize waiting room chairs and tables at the end of the morning and afternoon clinics.
  • High-touch areas, such as door handles, counter tops, dispensing tables, etc., should be wiped down periodically through the day and immediately after assisting a patient demonstrating respiratory symptoms.
  • Immediately notify management that professional cleaning services are required to “deep clean” a practice location whenever Center for Pediatric Medicine becomes aware that a patient or employee has been diagnosed with suspected symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19.

Patient Illness

When Center for Pediatric Medicine becomes aware that a patient, who has recently been in our office and has tested positive for COVID-19, we will notify each staff member who had contact with the patient. All exposed will be screened with temperature checks prior to work and will self-monitor for other signs of illness. Center for Pediatric Medicine will be in contact with the local health department and follow their guidance on any necessary self-isolation or quarantine.

Testing Center for Pediatric Medicine will conduct the following tests in office: COVID-19 Rapid Swab and COVID-19 PCR Test (1-3 DAYS FOR RESULTS).

Vaccine: Center for Pediatric Medicine currently does not participate in providing the COVID-19 vaccination. We are working closely with our local representatives. We will announce more information soon.

Covid-19 Testing Updates

If you need a Covid-19 swab test, please call the office at 203-790-0822 or 203-746-3280 to schedule an appointment. A staff member will ask a few questions and provide instructions on where to go.


COVID-19 Swabbing Availabilities: Monday – Friday

Times: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Location / Information:

  • Rooms 5 & 6
  • Patients will be instructed to park on the side of the 107-parking lot and or CCMC parking lot. When the patient arrives, they are to call 203-790-0822 and or text (FIRST & LAST NAME HERE) to alert a CPM team member of their arrival.
  • Patients are asked to remain in their car. The patient will be receiving a follow up phone call from a nurse when to enter the side door of 107 building and proceed to the back entrance of CPM office door. The patient is to remain outside of the CPM-office back door until a nurse arrives.
    All patients and or guardians entering the facility must wear a mask.
  • All doors in the facility will be locked for safety concerns.
  • After the swab is complete the patient will exit the same door they entered.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be in place for patients to use as they exit the facility.
  • All test results will take up to 48 to 72 hours. A CPM nursing staff member or provider will be calling the patient to review their results.
  • HEPA filters will be used in each exam room’s that are performing COVID-19 swabbing. Each room will be properly sanitized after each office visit.

COVID-19 11/11/2020 UPDATE

Covid-19 Advice(PDF)

COVID-19 10/26/2020 UPDATE

Covid-19 Testing Updates

With the changing seasons, and cooler temperatures, Center for Pediatric Medicine will begin conducting their Covid-19 testing inside. A designated area in each office with a separate entrance will be available for all CPM patients needing a Covid-19 swab test. This area will be cleaned and sanitized in between each visit. Each swabbing exam lane will have a HEPA filter installed for added protection.


CPM will continue to conduct drive-by swabbing in our Danbury Office location until 10/30/2020.

As of November 2020, CPM will be conducting COVID-19 swabbing inside both office locations.

If you need a Covid-19 swab test, please call the office at 203-790-0822 or 203-746-3280 to schedule an appointment. A staff member will ask a few questions and provide instructions on where to go.


COVID-19 Swabbing Availabilities: Tuesday & Thursday

Times: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Location / Information:

  • Rooms 5 & 6
  • Patients will be instructed to park on the side of the 107-parking lot and or CCMC parking lot. When the patient arrives, they are to call 203-790-0822 to alert a CPM team member of their arrival.
  • Patients are asked to remain in their car. The patient will be receiving a follow up phone call from a nurse when to enter the side door of 107 building and proceed to the back entrance of CPM office door. The patient is to remain outside of the CPM-office back door until a nurse arrives.
    All patients and or guardians entering the facility must wear a mask.
  • All doors in the facility will be locked for safety concerns.
  • After the swab is complete the patient will exit the same door they entered.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be in place for patients to use as they exit the facility.
  • All test results will take up to 48 to 72 hours. A CPM nursing staff member or provider will be calling the patient to review their results.
  • HEPA filters will be used in each exam room’s that are performing COVID-19 swabbing. Each room will be properly sanitized after each office visit.

New Fairfield

COVID-19 Swabbing Availabilities: Monday, Wednesday & Friday


  • Monday: 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm.
  • Wednesday & Friday: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Location / Information:

  • Room A
  • Patients will be instructed to park in CPM’S New Fairfield parking lot. When the patient arrives, they are to call 203-746-3280 to alert a CPM team member of their arrival.
  • The patient will remain in their car. They will be receiving a follow up phone call from a nurse when to proceed to the back door of the New Fairfield office. The patient is to remain outside of the CPM- back door until a nurse arrives.
  • All patients and or guardians entering the facility must wear a mask.
  • All doors in the facility will be locked for safety concerns.
  • After the swab is complete the patient will exit the same door they entered.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be in place for patients to use as they exit the facility.
  • All test results will take up to 48 to 72 hours. A CPM nursing staff member or provider will be calling the patient to review their results.
  • HEPA filters will be used in each exam room’s that are performing COVID-19 swabbing. Each room will be properly sanitized after each office visit.

As of November 2020, CPM will be conducting Flu vaccine clinics inside both office locations.

The changing seasons will be bringing cooler temperatures. For that reason, Center for Pediatric Medicine will be conducting our remaining Flu Clinics inside our offices. Please read the following instructions.


Location | Instructions

  • Danbury Office, 107 Newtown Rd. Suite 1D
  • Patients will call to schedule an appointment. Staff will be reviewing our Covid-19 questionnaire with the parent/guardian at that time. Appointments will be made for up to two patients at a time. A separate appointment will be made for additional patients.
  • Upon arrival (Front Office Door) a CPM staff member will be there to greet and escort the patient(s) into an exam room. The doors will be locked for the health and safety of both patients and staff. We ask that all patients and parents/guardians to please wear a mask and to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
    The nursing staff will have on appropriate PPE and will be sanitizing exam rooms in between patient visits. Hand sanitizers are available for patient use.
  • Once the Flu vaccine has been administered, the patient and family will leave through CPM’s back office door. This workflow is designed to limit patient to patient interaction.
  • If the patient has a fever or showing any Flu or Covid-19 related symptoms, we ask that you do not come into the office and to call and reschedule the vaccine appointment.

New Fairfield

Location | Instructions

  • New Fairfield, 11 Route 37, New Fairfield Commons, New Fairfield, CT 06812
  • Patients will call to schedule an appointment. Staff will be reviewing our Covid-19 questionnaire with the parent/guardian at that time. Appointments will be made for up to two patients at a time. A separate appointment will be made for additional patients.
  • Upon arrival (Middle Door) a CPM staff member will be there to greet and escort the patient(s) into an exam room. The doors will be locked for the health and safety of both patients and staff. We ask that all patients and parents/guardians to please wear a mask and to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
  • The nursing staff will have on appropriate PPE and will be sanitizing exam rooms in between patient visits. Hand sanitizers are available for patient use.
  • Once the Flu vaccine has been administered, the patient and family will leave through CPM’s (Middle) office door. This workflow is designed to limit patient to patient interaction.
  • If the patient has a fever or showing any Flu or Covid-19 related symptoms, we ask that you do not come into the office and to call and reschedule the vaccine appointment.

COVID-19 9/25/2020 UPDATE

Updated Covid 19 Procedures:

In an effort to minimize community spread and potential exposure to Covid -19, Center for Pediatric Medicine has restricted patients from sitting in our waiting rooms prior to their appointments. We invite our patients to wait in their cars in the parking lot. Parents or guardians will call the office to let our staff know they have arrived, and staff will provide instructions for entering the office. All patients over 2 years of age and the accompanying parent or guardian will be required to wear a mask and will have their temperature checked upon arrival and will then be immediately brought to an exam room.

During this time Center for Pediatric Medicine recommends that only one parent or guardian accompany the patient at the time of the appointment. It is requested to please not bring grandparents or siblings into the office and risk exposure to themselves or others. If the patient or accompanying parent or guardian has come in close contact with someone who has traveled recently outside of Connecticut or they themselves have traveled, or are awaiting test results for Covid-19, and those showing symptoms, please notify our and a Telemedicine appointment will be scheduled.

We appreciate the help and understanding of our Center for Pediatric Families. The health of our patients and staff is very important to us. We will continue to change and adapt as need be during this time.

Flu Clinics and Covid Safety Procedures

2020 Flu Clinics are here.

Center for Pediatric Medicine is offering drive through clinics this year at both the Danbury and New Fairfield Locations. This year getting your flu shot is more important than ever due to Covid-19. The CDC strongly recommends vaccinating against flu. The drive through clinic is for patients age 7 and up. In office clinics are available for patients age 6 and under. Please call the office to make an appointment.

The next drive through clinics for ages 7 and up are:

Saturday 10/24 9:00am-1:00pm. New Fairfield

We ask that no more than two patients are in the car and that masks are worn. Please follow signs to designated tent area where a CPM nurse will meet you.

In Office Flu Clinics dates for ages 6 and under:

Saturday, 10/17 9:00am-3:00pm. New Fairfield
Sunday 10/25 1:30pm-4:30pm. Danbury

Covid Testing

Starting October 2nd, Center for Pediatric Medicine will be offering our patients a Drive by Covid-19 Swabbing Station. The location will be outside of the Danbury office and is available to patients of Center for Pediatric Medicine only and requires an appointment.

Days: Monday - Friday

Times: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Location: Danbury Office Location Only. Outside on the side of the 107 Newtown Road building (Allergist entrance) there will be a tent set up for patients to drive up and be swabbed for COVID-19. We ask that all parents and guardians to be aware of the following protocols.

  • You must be a registered CPM patient
  • You must call to book an appointment
  • You must always wear a mask
  • No more than 2 patients per vehicle

As we approach the winter season we will need to adapt for the inclement weather. CPM is continuing to finalize designing a safe and efficient operational workflow for in-office COVID-19 swabbing.

COVID-19 5/18/2020 UPDATE
(6/1/2020 Center for Pediatric Medicine- Office Re-Opening Plan).

Dear Center for Pediatric Medicine Community,

First, CPM would like to thank all essential workers for their hard work and dedication during COVID-19. It is wonderful to see everyone coming together during such a difficult time. We also would like to acknowledge our team here at Center for Pediatric Medicine. Each staff member has been adapting to new and challenging measures; they have been working diligently to ensure each patient is safely screened and cared for. We have been proactively adjusting and training all staff to understand and follow the latest health protocols and procedures. Center for Pediatric Medicine has created several policies that will allow our patients to continue to receive the safe and essential care they need.

It is important that patients continue to schedule annual wellness visits. This will ensure all patients are staying up to date on vaccines. CPM is readily available for other office visits such as consultations for more complex issues such as ADHD, behavior, and ongoing or recurring symptoms. If your child is experiencing symptoms of a contagious disease, we are offering telemedicine visits to address those.

Listed below is the current office hours until 5/31/2020. We will be re-opening our Danbury and New Fairfield medical office back to normal office hours as of 6/1/2020 (Please see below).

Current Office Hours until 5/31/2020

Danbury Office Hours

Monday – Friday

  •       8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  •       Telemedicine visits available until 9 p.m. with the on-call physician


  •       8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  •       Telemedicine visits available until 9 p.m. with the on-call physician


  •       9 a.m. – 1 p.m. as needed
  •       Telemedicine visits available until 9 p.m. with the on-call physician

New Fairfield Office Hours

  •       Temporarily closed due COVID-19

Business Office | Lactation Suite

Monday – Friday

  •       8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  •       Lisa Boule’ - Lactation Consultant- By Appointment
  •       Our business and billing team is available remotely. In office appointments with billers or business staff must be made in advance.


Center for Pediatric Medicine Office Operations as of 6/1/2020

Danbury Office Hours

Phone: 203-790-0822

Fax: 203-790-1808

  •       Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
  •       Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  •       Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
  •       Sunday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

New Fairfield Office Hours

Phone: 203-746-3280

Fax: 203-746-3423

  •       Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  •       Saturday & Sunday - Closed

Business Office | Lactation Suite

Phone: 203-798-7661

  •       8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  •       Lisa Boule’ - Lactation Consultant - By Appointment
  •       Our business and billing team is available remotely. In office appointments with billers or business staff must be made in advance (We will inform the community once the administration office returns to the Business Office).

Scheduling Tips During Our Transition Stage (After 6/1/2020):

  • Our Sunday appointments will be scheduled with one provider (Our extra provider who normally is in the office will be on-call at home for telemedicine / on-call needs).
  • Our late-night appointments, Monday – Thursday which end at 9 p.m. will be scheduled with one provider. (Our extra provider who normally is in the office will be on-call at home for telemedicine / on-call needs)
  • For patients who still do not feel comfortable coming to the office, please call. We will be able to assist you with a variety of options (Telemedicine - the providers in the office can still perform a visit from their laptop).
  • Telemedicine will continue until further notice. Unfortunately, most insurance companies may refuse to pay for telemedicine appointments after a certain date. Please contact your insurance company to ensure all telemedicine visits will be covered.
  • Lisa Boule’- Lactation Consultant- MSN, APRN, CPNP, IBCLC will continue to schedule lactation and 2-week visits “only” until further notice.
  • Dr. Golenbock - will be available for telemedicine visits during his Tuesday and Wednesday hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.).
  • All office hours listed above will be subject to change. This may result in the office closing early. If the office is to close early, our on-call physician will be available to assist with any questions you may have.
  • Effective 5/8/2020 Saturdays will be re-opened for physical appointments. Sunday physicals will re-open as of 6/1/2020.

Other News:

  • CPM is working with Office Practicum to implement a new and enhanced patient portal. We will notify all patients when this is available and how the new portal will improve your office experience here at CPM.
  • Our New Fairfield office has been completely renovated. CPM took advantage of our New Fairfield location being closed due to COVID-19. We spent time giving the office a much-deserved cleaning. We are excited to provide our patients with a brand-new office experience. We will continue to complete minor upgrades in our New Fairfield office through 2020.

Thank you very much for your patience.

Center for Pediatric Medicine


Danbury Medical Office

Monday – Friday

  • 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
  • Telemedicine visits available until 9:00 pm with the on-call physician


  • 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
  • Telemedicine visits available until 9:00 pm with the on-call physician


  • 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (TELEMEDICINE VISITS ONLY)
  • Telemedicine visits available until 9:00 pm with the on-call physician

New Fairfield Medical Office

  • Temporarily closed due COVID-19

Business Office & Lactation Suite

Monday – Friday

  • 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
  • Lisa Boule’- Lactation Consultant- By Appointment
  • Our business and billing team is available remotely. In office appointments with billers or business staff must be made in advance.





MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM

FRIDAY: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

SATURDAY: 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM

SUNDAY: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

  • We will see well visits during the morning hours of 8:30 am-2:30 pm.
  • We will see sick visits in the afternoon, 3:00-7:00 pm Mon-Thurs. and 1:15-5:30 pm on Friday.
  • Telemedicine visits will be seen all day in accordance to our COVID-19 office hours (RE-CHECKS, SICK VISITS, CONSULTS).
  • We will temporarily not schedule well visit appointments on weekends.
  • We will see sick visits during weekend hours of 8:30-2 on Saturday, and 9-1 on Sunday.

Lisa Boulé, MSN, APRN, CPNP, IBCLC: Lactation Consultant: Will be seeing all newborn babies including 2-week visits weather nursing or or formula feeding in the lactation room located in our business office at 7 Old Sherman Tnpk Suite 205.



March 23, 2020 07:00

CT pediatric hospital information on COVID-19

March 18, 2020 04:00

As of 3/18/2020 Center for Pediatric Medicine will be accepting patients to be seen virtually. Please call our office to book an appointment. We want to thank the community for your patience!

March 17, 2020 05:00

Hours change: Monday - Thursday we will be open from 8:30 am - 8:00 pm. We will continue with these hours until further notice.

March 16, 2020

We want to communicate with our patients about our process changes during this coronavirus pandemic in our area.

First of all, we want to reassure our patients that children have not gotten very ill in the experience of the countries that have gone before us, China, South Korea, even Italy. So while we will be alert to any children who become ill with fever and cough, the likelihood that they have the illness COVID-19 is very low. There have been very few serious illnesses, ie ventilator need in children for COVID-19, and no deaths in children <9 yo.

That said, we cannot be sure children are not carriers, who will make their parents and grandparents ill. This is why the social distancing is so important FOR EVERYONE.

Our offices will remain open, both Danbury and New Fairfield. We plan to keep our regular hours for now. We will continue to see both sick and well children. It is very important for infants and young children to keep their well visits to continue to receive their immunizations on schedule. We plan to continue to see older children for their well visits as well. However, we could also reschedule any well visits that do not involve vaccines for now, or at your preference.

In an effort to keep everyone safe, and understanding that school and work closures make schedules more fluid, we will adopt the following policies:

We will see well visits during the morning hours of 8:30-11:30

We will see sick visits in the afternoon, 1:15-9pm Mon-Thurs. and 1:15-5:30 pm Friday

We will no longer see well visits on weekends.

We will see sick visits during weekend hours of 8:30-2 on Saturday, and 9-1 on Sunday.

If it is impossible for you to bring you child in the morning for a well visit, we will try to accommodate you.

We ask that you bring only the child to be seen, and leave your other children at home with another parent/caregiver to minimize contagion within the office.

We ask that only one parent bring the child for a visit for the same reason.

If you or your child feel you have symptoms of COVID-19, please CALL and we will advise you over the phone. We are planning on making more assessments virtually and are working to be operational virtually. We still have phone calls. We are trying NOT to see potential cases of coronavirus in the office, as we cannot test, and it is the best way lower contagion, if you stay home. We will monitor your child regularly by phone.

We encourage you to bring your child in for the usual reasons of illness, sore throat, ear ache, babies with fevers over 2-3 days, poor feeding, dehydration, etc. These sick visits will be scheduled within our sick visit hours in the afternoon.

We will be adopting a new method of registration and being brought into office.

When you arrive in our parking lot, call 790-0822 to notify us you have arrived. Stay in your car, and we will notify you by call to your cell phone when your room is ready.

If you have a co-pay, stop at the front desk prepared to submit payment.

Otherwise you may head straight to your room.

You will be in your exam room with the door closed for infection control.

At the end of the visit, you will make any follow up appts in the exam room either by the provider, or by phone with the front desk staff. You will then exit back to your car without a need to stop at our desk again.

Understand this is a fluid situation, as you’ve seen guidelines change frequently, depending on the advice we get from CDC, our public health authorities in the state and locally. We will keep you updated as things change.

Always call us with your concerns. Please do not go to the ER unless we’ve advised you to do so, or you have a clear emergency, for which you’ve called an ambulance.

Remember to enjoy your children during this “novel” time of staying home together. Discover the joy of playing with them, taking walks outside with them, learning how to cook together. Try not to listen to the news too much, and consider calling and communicating with faraway family and friends.

Center for Pediatric Medicine

Educational Links:

Includes info on linking CDC pages to our own, 2 handouts below

Covid19 fact sheet for public

Covid19 fact sheet for sick patients

Detailed suggestions on wide variety of home preparedness measures

Specific cleaning recommendations

At home guidance to minimize spread, including if patient cared for at home

Danbury school lunch program

Bethel school lunch program 

We are open Nights, Weekends & Holidays - Offering Care 362 Days a Year!

After Hours

Center for Pediatric Medicine is here for your pediatric needs 24.7, 365 days a year! We understand that your child may get sick outside of CPM’s normal office hours.

How does after-hours work:

  • Monday – Thursday: our offices will close at 9:00 pm. We then re-open at 8:30 am Friday.
  • Friday- our offices will close at 6:00 pm. We then re-open at 8:30 am Saturday.
  • Saturday- our office will close at 2:00 pm. We then re-open at 8:30 am Sunday.
  • Sunday- our office will close at 1:00 pm. We then re-open at 8:30 am Monday.

During the hours we are closed we are readily available to assist you with any urgent clinical concerns you may have.

You can call any of our office locations or 203-790-0822. You will be promoted with an after-hours message. If you select option 1 you will be connected with CPM’S after-hours answering service team. The after-hours team will gather all of your child’s information (Patient's first and last name, best contact number, and health care concern). This message will be sent to “Rainbow Babies” an experienced triage service that CPM uses to assist us with clinical after-hours calls. A trained triage nurse will call the patient back and provide the recommended clinical advice. If the triage nurse needs more assistance they will reach out to one of CPM’s on-call providers for the night. CPM’s on-call provider will call the patient directly and continue to evaluate your child over the phone. All phone call encounters are followed up with a call the next day from CPM’s triage department.

If it is a life-threatening emergency please call 911.

Schedule AppointmentVaccine Policy